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Norfolk area Actors/Extras Over 40 Years

Ben Nash - Height 5'11

Graham Evans - Height 5'10

Edmond Wells - Height 6'5

Ivan Moy - Height 6'1

Toby Roberts - Height - 5'9

Ian Moncur

Robert Jarvis - Height 5'11

Leslie Ching - Height 5'8
Tim Dawson

Timothy Ely - Height 7.5
- Height 7.5

Clifford Stapleton - Height 5'9

Paul Andrew Goldsmith - Height 5'11

Dan Baldry

Nigel Shaw

Karl Kojat - Height 5'11

Peter Long - Height 5'7

Julian Gregg

Bertie Wellend

Peter Kirkpatrick - Height 6'

- Height 5'8

Martin Kray - Height 6'

Duncan Moore - Height 6'2

Malcolm Baker - Height 5'4

Philip Stearman - Height 6'

Richard Tree - Height 6'1

Greg Powels

Jon Bennett - Height 5'7

Heading 3
Terry Barrett
Paul Roman
Chris Lacey - Height 5'9

Mark Nash - Height 5'11
Bens Mansfield

Richard Gowan - Height 6'1

Jon Bird

Simon Cannell - Height 6'4

Ed Carmen - Height 5'7 Keith Harris - Height 6' John Bradley - Height 5'11


Michael Jones - Height 5'9 Jim Parish - Height 5'8 John Key

Philip Bray - Height 5'10 Barry Nobel - Height 5'9 Michael Ford - Height 6'2

Gary Barrett - Height 5'7 Bob Silver Smith - Height 5'8 Dan Trivech - Height 6'

Scott Valentine - Height 6' Jon Pulford - Height 6'2 Andy Bullen - Height 6'4

Dale Wilder - Height 5'10 Alfonso Gotts - Height 5'7 Wesley Lacey - Height 5'10

Eddie Carman - Height 5'7 Jeff Betts Nick Overy

Christopher Wood Gavin Wright Tim Alexander
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